In the coming years, voiceprint will be surely added into the Multimodal biometrics of ID. Voiceprint collection, with its advantages of easy to collect, low sensitivity and low cost, will play a major role in public security field.
Junlin's voiceprint recognition technologies are already successfully applied topublic security field, which is supporting on the police cases with Voiceprint Collection, Voiceprint Analysis, Recognition and Trace, and Sound Separation.
In the coming years, voiceprint will be surely added into the Multimodal biometrics of ID. Voiceprint collection, with its advantages of easy to collect, low sensitivity and low cost, will play a major role in public security field.
Junlin's voiceprint recognition technologies are already successfully applied topublic security field, which is supporting on the police cases with Voiceprint Collection, Voiceprint Analysis, Recognition and Trace, and Sound Separation.
Includes voiceprint pickup, USB digital acquisition card, software service system of C/S architecture.
Software service system under B/S architecture, contains voiceprint location and verification functions, could complete quick search and the suspects verification accurately.
Social public area Voiceprint Monitor System, could be used in public transportation, prisons, key monitoring places and the authentication entry points.